The movie 'Chori Chori Chupke Chupke', released in 2001, was allegedly funded by the underworld. Its financier Bharat Shah and producer Nazeem Rizvi were arrested for alleged links with the underworld.
According to the contract dated September 13, 1999, Khan was to receive Rs 1.5 cr for working in the movie.
"Till date, he has received only Rs 1.25 cr and Rs 25 lakh are still pending," Khan's lawyer Renuka Laxmeshwar told PTI.
Due to the case registered against the financier and producer of the movie, all the sale proceeds of the film were deposited by the court receiver in the state treasury.
The court had in 2001 stated that Khan would receive the entire amount after it passes a judgment in the case.
"However, the judgment passed by the court in 2002 was silent about the remaining amount. Following this, we approached the Bombay High Court which directed us to approach the MCOCA court first," Laxmeshwar said.
The application will come up for hearing before special MCOCA judge Y D Shinde on November 20.
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