Gauri Khan was spotted attending Farah Khan’s Triumph lingerie fashion show on Friday night at the Tulip Centaur Hotel in Juhu. But yesterday afternoon she was admitted to hospital following a stomach infection.
Says a source close to Shahrukh, “Though Gauri was fine till Farah’s show on Friday night, on Sunday afternoon she started vomitting and feeling sick. Apparently, she had eaten something the night before which didn’t suit her resulting in a bout of severe food poisoning. She was admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Bandra yesterday late afternoon. The doctors are saying it was something she ate but it could also be a gastro-intestinal infection.”
The source adds that Shahrukh was shooting for his next film Rab De Bana Di Jodi but the moment he heard the news of Gauri’s illness, he cancelled the shooting and rushed home to take her to the hospital. The source adds, “Shahrukh stayed by Gauri’s side till the doctors said her condition was improving. She will be discharged in a day or so.” Both SRK and Gauri remained unavailable for comment.
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